Pelosi says: "The investigation found enough evidence to impeach Trump"

Pelosi says: "The investigation found enough evidence to impeach Trump"

The Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, expressed her belief that the investigation hearings to isolate US President Donald Trump reached "enough evidence to impeach him" in the trial that the Senate will conduct.

Pelosi will meet Tuesday with lawmakers to prepare for a formal law-imposed vote to refer Trump's impeachment to the Senate.

The trial is expected to be held quickly in the Senate, where Republicans have a majority to absolve Trump of charges of abusing power and obstructing the work of Congress.

Since the House of Representatives decision to isolate Trump on December 18, Pelosi has not handed over the two accusations to Trump of putting pressure on Ukraine to open an investigation against Joe Biden, the most likely Democratic candidate to face him in the upcoming presidential elections, and also obstructing the investigation in Congress.

Pelosi had hoped to be able to pressure the Republican majority in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, to allow witnesses and present new evidence at the trial, but he did not bow.

On Sunday, the Speaker of Parliament assured that the delay in referring the two indictments achieved important results, and she said, "We wanted the people to realize the necessity of witnesses appearing."

"The ball is now in their court, Either they do that to call the witnesses, or they pay the price for not doing it." Pelosi said

Pelosi confirmed that new emails supporting the two accusations against Trump emerged in the period after the House of Representatives decision to dismiss Trump, and former US National Security Adviser John Bolton expressed his willingness to testify if summoned.

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