Brett Kavanaugh I Was Virgin in High School And Jimmy Kimmel Suggests Cutting his Penis Off

Brett Kavanaugh I Was Virgin in High School And Jimmy Kimmel Suggests Cutting his Penis Off

ABC Late Night TV Talk Show host Jimmy Kimmel took the stage on Tuesday after a second woman came forward to accuse him of sexual misconduct over the weekend ,and jokingly suggested that his “compromise” to the battle of Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination is to chop off the judge’s “pesky penis,”

Kimmel said.“Thank you for admitting that,” “He was a virgin until many years after. So if he doesn’t get to be on the Supreme Court, maybe he’ll be The Bachelor.” This led the host to reports that Kavanaugh plans to use calendars he kept in high school to dispute the claim that he was at the party where Christine Blasey Ford said he tried to rape her. “What 17-year-old keeps calendars of his social engagements?” he asked. “No wonder he was a virgin.”

As Kimmel noted, President Trump seems to be growing fonder of Kavanaugh as more allegations emerge, saying on Monday that “for people to come out of the woodwork from 36 years ago and 30 years ago” is “totally political.”

“Yeah, spoken like a man who has people coming out of the woodwork from 30 years ago,” Kimmel said, before proposing his own “compromise” to what has become a partisan fight over Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the highest court in the country.

Kimmel concluded his monologue with a suggestion.

“Hear me out on this,”he said“ So Kavanaugh gets confirmed to the Supreme Court, OK? Well, in return we get to cut that pesky penis of his off in front of everyone.”

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