What is Hantavirus that provokes controversy after its appearance in China?


"Hantavirus" has sparked controversy on social media after China announced the death of a person in south China's Yunnan Province, amid fears that the virus would be a new epidemic similar to the emerging Coronavirus (Covid-19).

The English-language Global Times said it said someone had died in Yunnan Province from being affected by Hantaviruses while returning from Shandong on a bus last Monday.

The newspaper added that it was found that the deceased person was infected with Hantaviruses, noting that 32 other people on the bus were examined, without indicating the results of these checks.

Immediately after the news was published, a state of controversy and terror prevailed on social media, fearing the virus could turn into a new epidemic similar to the emerging Coronavirus (Covid-19) that first appeared in China's Hubei Province last December, infecting hundreds of thousands of people and causing The movement of life stops almost all over the world.

What is the new "Hantavirus"?

The WHO responds by saying that "Hantavirus" causes "Hanta Pulmonary Syndrome" and this syndrome is a viral animal respiratory disease. The causative agent of the syndrome belongs to the genus Hanta, a class of structural viruses.

How does infection occur?
The organization says that infection with this syndrome is mainly gained through inhalation of droplets or contact with the droppings of infected rodents, droppings or saliva. Human infection with Hanta usually occurs in rural areas (such as forests, fields, and farms) where there are forest-dependent rodents and where people may be exposed to the virus.

What are the symptoms of "Hantavirus"?

Symptoms of this virus include headache, dizziness, tremors, tremors, muscle aches, and digestive problems such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, followed by sudden injury to shortness of breath and low blood pressure.

When do you show symptoms of "Hantavirus"?
Symptoms of the "Hantavirus" usually appear between two to four weeks after the initial exposure to the virus. However, symptoms may appear early after only one week, or may be delayed up to eight weeks after exposure to the virus.
Is the "Hantavirus" deadly?
The organization says the case fatality rate can reach 35-50%.

Is the virus transmitted between humans?
The World Health Organization says it is investigating the possibility of transmission between humans.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the united states say that the virus is primarily animal origin (that is, it is mainly transmitted from animal to human) and that it has not yet registered a case in the United States where the virus has passed from person to person.

The medical center added that in rare cases in Argentina and Chile, the transmission of the virus from one person to another was observed during infection with one of the "Hantavirus"es.

Have cases been detected for "Hantavirus" before?
The World Health Organization published a circular in January 2019 on the discovery of cases in Argentina and Chile, in which it said: “On December 19, 2018, the Argentine Ministry of Health and Social Development issued an epidemiological warning about the urgent increase in the numbers of cases of Hunta syndrome (SARS). In the town of Aboyne, Sopot County. "

According to the organization, "The number of laboratory confirmed cases that occurred between October 28, 2018 to January 20, 2019 reached a total of 29 laboratory confirmed cases of the syndrome, of which 11 deaths were reported in two parents in Sobot district. The population of The town of Aboyne is approximately 2000 people, and the Sopot District is located in the Patagonia region of southern Argentina.

The semantic state had been exposed to the virus in the environment before symptoms began on November 2, and then attended a party after that on November 3. Six cases who attended the ceremony also suffered from the onset of symptoms from 20 to 27 November 2018. Another 17 cases experienced the onset of symptoms between 7 December 2018 to 3 January 2019, All of them have been linked epidemiologically with previously confirmed cases. The possibility of transmission between humans is being investigated. "

"Four provinces have been identified with endemic disease in Argentina: the northern region (Salta, Jujuy), the central region (Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Entre Rios), the northeastern region (mayonnaise), and the southern region (Neuquén, Rio Negro, and Sopot ).

The organization indicated "that between 2013 to 2018, an average of 100 confirmed cases were recorded annually, and the provinces of Buenos Aires, Salta and Jujuy had the highest number of cases. In the period between 2013 to 2018, 114 confirmed deaths from Hanta infection were reported in Argentina, where the case fatality rate was 18.6%, knowing that this number approached 40% in some provinces in the country's southern region".

WHO says cases of this syndrome have been reported in several countries in the Americas. Environmental and ecological factors that affect rodent flocks may have a seasonal effect on disease trends.

"Since the reservoir of the "Hantavirus" is represented by forest rodents, mainly the type of cotton rat, transmission of the disease may occur when people come into contact with the habitats of rodents. Limited transmission of human-to-human syndrome from the Andean virus has been documented in Argentina. Isolate patients with this syndrome, "the organization added.


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