Oil Expert Reveals: Why Would Trump Want To Buy Greenland


the secret of US President Donald Trump's interest in the island of Greenland and why he offered to buy Denmark and the reason for canceling his trip, which was scheduled in early September after the Prime Minister of Denmark refused to discuss the offer.

  • Greenland, the largest island in the world and most of it is frozen and a simple population of not more than 60 thousand people, but very rich in natural resources.

  • Who controls Greenland controls the heart of the Arctic Circle because it is closest to it and thus control the natural resources in the region, including oil and gas, and limits Russia's control of the region.

  • a number of many natural resources available in Greenland such as lithium, uranium and rare earth metals, all of which are of great importance to the United States as they are involved in many industries such as electric car batteries and ordinary wind turbines.

  • the controlling Greenland means controlling shipping lanes in the event of melting ice in the region, which is expected to change global trade routes.

Trump's offer to buy Greenland did not come out of the blue.

US President Donald Trump announced on Twitter a cancellation of a visit to Denmark saying: "Denmark is a very special country with incredible people, but based on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen's comments, that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland, I will be postponing our meeting scheduled in two weeks for another time ....".

Trump continued: "The Prime Minister was able to save a great deal of expense and effort for both the United States and Denmark by being so direct. I thank her for that and look forward to rescheduling sometime in the future!".

On Sunday, Prime Minister Denmark said the idea of ​​selling Greenland to the United States was ridiculous, while Trump's economic adviser confirmed the United States' interest in buying the world's largest island.

danish prime minister mette frederiksen told the newspaper Sermitsiaq "Greenland is not for sale. Greenland is not Danish. Greenland belongs to Greenland. I strongly hope that this is not meant seriously".

Trump told reporters on Sunday he had recently discussed the possibility to buy greenland, although the move was not an immediate priority for him.

"The idea was put forward and it is strategically important," he told reporters in New Jersey.

A 1951 defense deal between Denmark and the United States gives the US military rights to the Thule Air Base in northern Greenland.

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