Kerala elephant death: Police arrest the first suspect in the incident that rocked the world


Indian police have arrested a man accused of causing the death of a pregnant elephant, after they devoured a pineapple stuffed with firecrackers that exploded in her mouth. According to Hindustan Times

Surendra Kumar, Kerala State Forestry Officer, said that the 15-year-old elephant was unable to eat after the injury and died in a river in Palakkad in the state in the south of the country.
Last May 27

Surendra had said earlier: Pineapple fruit filled with crackers exploded in her mouth, causing serious injuries which later caused her death.

State Minister of Forestry K. Raju on Friday that a man was arrested and detained by the joint investigation teams of the police and forestry departments for the brutal killing of a pregnant elephant in Palakkad in Kerala.

The arrested man was identified as P Wilson, an employee of a farm growing cash crops and spices. The minister said that more arrests will be made by evening.

The elephant rushed to the nearby Villier River after eating fruit and died there until forest officials rushed to save it. The biscuit exploded when the elephant bitten off the pineapple.

The death of the elephant caused the wrath of animal protection activists and social media users around the world. Manika Gandhi, the former minister of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, described the movie's death as a horrific operation and called for severe punishment for those responsible for the accident

The shrinking food resources and the increase in the number of wild elephants in the past 15 years have led to the entry of hungry elephants into villages, where they sometimes destroy crops and attack the population

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