BBC announces licence fee dispensation for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding

BBC announces licence fee dispensation for royal wedding
BBC waives licence fee for community screenings of the Royal Wedding

BBC announces licence fee dispensation for royal wedding

Local communities getting together to watch the Royal Wedding will not have to pay for the privilege.

Because the BBC has announced it is waiving the licence fee for street parties or special events taking place at community centres, church or town halls. 

This will also apply to shops and other events such as agricultural or flower shows. 

Neighbours and local residents will not have to pay to screen Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s nuptials in places where a TV is not usually watched. 

This will also apply to shops and other events such as agricultural or flower shows. 

No licence needed 

Pipa Doubtfire, the BBC’s head of revenue management, said: “I’m delighted to announce that we have decided to offer a one-off dispensation for the royal wedding on 19 May.

“This will allow the public to enjoy live coverage of the occasion at special events like street parties, where TV is not usually watched, without needing to buy a licence. 

“By law, if live television or iPlayer is viewed on any premises, those premises must be covered by a valid TV licence. 

“However, in exceptional circumstances, the BBC can grant a dispensation for the temporary viewing of television, so long as the viewing is for the sole purpose of screening an event which is judged by the BBC to be of national importance.” 

A club or community group usually needs to be covered by a valid TV licence to watch or record TV programmes as they’re being shown on TV. 

National celebrations

 This also applies to them downloading or watching any BBC programmes on iPlayer – live, catch up or on demand and includes the use of devices such as a TV, desktop computer, laptop, mobile phone, tablet, games console, digital box or Blu-ray/DVD/VHS recorder.

A TV licences costs £150.50 for colour, and £50.50 for a black and white set. 

The BBC previously waived the licence fee for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding. In April 2011.

Prince Harry and Ms Markle will marry in St George’s Chapel in the grounds of Windsor Castle by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby. 

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