Life-Ruining Tattoos that Make You Want Off This Planet
The stories are legendary… errors made when selecting tattoos under duress, heightened emotions, weakened relationships, or substance influence. But in the end, you alone are responsible for your ink. What follows is a gathering of standout people that boast tattoos that everyone will take pictures of… just for all the wrong reasons.
Star Light, not too Bright
The undeniable top of the bad idea list goes to this winner, whose drunk-night-out ended with a fantastically poorly done constellation splashed across her mug. Already on the phone in the midst of planning its future removal before the morning’s end, her facial ink proves the hard truth: when in doubt, try it out with a Sharpie first.
So That’s What that Smells Like
It takes guts to pull off an armpit tattoo. Even more to envision the appropriate composition as a shark devouring a helpless baby. I wish I thought of that….said no one ever.
Got My Order?
Legend has it that this humiliating tattoo was the result of a lost bet. Nevertheless, it’s one meal this guy won’t soon forget. Or ever.
Marilyn, We Hardly Knew Ye
We can’t be sure who this is. It started off as Marilyn, but then something went horribly, horribly wrong. Maybe some anti-itch cream, perhaps? She looks like a decomposing corpse.
Time of Whose Life?
When they see this dude rip off his shirt in preparation for some serious
moshing,even the most diehard fan has got to be asking the question “Who’s that cover band playing Green Day tunes?
moshing,even the most diehard fan has got to be asking the question “Who’s that cover band playing Green Day tunes?
Last Laugh
So the point is to make fun of the swastika, but somehow with this failed tat we all lose. The back hair isn’t helping the matter, either.
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