bakersfield mass shooting: Six dead including gunman and his wife

Six people, including the gunman, were killed in a shooting in Bakersfield, California, on Wednesday, which authorities believe was an act of domestic violence.

Police say the entire incident occurred within 10 to 15 minutes, describing such incidents as "new natural" for the United States.

An unidentified gunman shot his wife and four others in a series of shootings in southern California before killing himself, police said.

He then chased another man from the truck company before shooting him and killing him in front of a nearby sports shop.

The gunman then killed two men in a house. Then a car was thrown from a woman and her child before he killed himself when he was confronted by a deputy sheriff, Youngblood said.

He said the entire incident occurred in 10 to 15 minutes, describing the incident as a collective shooting.

"This is the new natural situation, if you look across the country, six people lost their lives in a very short period of time," Youngblood said.

Youngblood said the authorities were working to determine "why this started and why so many players and communication took part because it is clear that these are not random shootings."

The identities of the victims were not disclosed and the woman who took her car and her child was unhurt.

Police found a pistol at the scene. Authorities interviewed about 30 witnesses.

Except for the wife of the armed man, there was no immediate word on how the victims were related.

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