Anderson Cooper calls out Sarah Sanders the White House press secretary' defense

Anderson Cooper called out  Sarah Sanders White House press secretary for labeling the media’s reaction to The New York Times’ op-ed as “sad and pathetic.”

Echoing the words of President Donald Trump, Sanders referred to the article’s author as “gutless,” but brushed off questions at Monday’s briefing about whether or not the White House was attempting to identify the “senior official.”

“It’s not every day or every month or every year, or certainly every administration for that matter, that someone in the administration publishes a scathing criticism of the president of the United States,” he said. “It’s not every day that someone in the administration claims that many officials in that administration are working to frustrate parts of the president’s agenda and his worse inclinations.”".

Despite Sanders’ efforts to downplay the bombshell op-ed, Cooper said the “dust hasn’t even begun to settle” as it is “not every day an administration official writes ‘the root of the problem is the president’s amorality.’”

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