Woman in dog head leads police on chase through SE Houston

Woman in dog head leads police on chase through SE Houston

HOUSTON, Texas - A woman wearing the head of a huge dog was arrested after leading police on a short chase through Southeast Houston.

Police responded to a call from the Straips gas station in Southmore at 9:30 am and it was reported that 30-year-old Colin Dickens allegedly stole $ 10, cigarettes and a lighter.

The lady reportedly jumped into her black car when the police arrived, fleeing the scene. .

Harris County officers threw screws at the corner of Barkwood, Scott and Dickens. Women were forced to pull over once riding over them, dailymail reports.

Dickens was arrested and charged with robbery and felony evading.

Police said the woman was a belligerent during her arrest. It was said to have spat on the officers.

Pamela Greenwood, public information officer for the Harris County Precint The suspect was extremely combative and spit on several Sheriff deputies during the booking process therefore, a spit guard had to be placed over her mouth in order to get her mugshot taken

A video showing the moment Dickens came out of her car and still can see her wearing her dog's head.

Her mother asserts that this is not the kind of person her daughter is.

"She's not a criminal," said Carmela Walker, "she just goes through some stuff."

The mother claimed that her daughter suffered from a mental breakdown.

Walker added: 'She was just getting back to herself. It's just like all of sudden, things started spinning out of control.

Her uncle said that Dickens is the mother of two children and has been working to get her life back together.

"She is a very good person, she loves her children a lot and she cares for them.

The woman is still in Harris County Jail , Her bond is set at $ 10,000.

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