Pancreatic cancer: Signs and symptoms

Pancreatic cancer Signs and symptoms

Individuals diagnosed with tumor during the early stages of malignant tumor have an 85% chance within five years of getting full recovery, on the other hand, in individuals diagnosed with diseases in subsequent stages 3% of the improvement.

The diagnosis of pancreatic tumor can be deceptive and can pass easily unnoticed, and when it is noticed it may be late.

Pancreatic tumor can be a silent killer if the signs of the disease are not observed or observed and ignored.

We have reached a list of some easy-to-use and widely known indicators so that you can be vigilant in your daily life.

symptoms of pancreatic cancer :


Pancreatic cancer Signs and symptoms

Jaundice is a symptom associated with a large number of diseases when the skin and eyes begin to develop a yellow shade, your body may cry for some medical care.

Jaundice is often unrelated to pancreatic malignancy. It's all about excessive bilirubin.

When bilirubin accumulates in the body because of a tumor that inhibits excessive bile secretion from the body, the liver, in turn, fails to remove the treated bilirubin (bile) through the bile duct, and therefore the eyes and skin develop in a yellow color. .

Jaundice becomes worse when growth in the pancreas spreads to the liver, so jaundice can be seen in patients during the early and late stages of pancreatic tumor.

Darker urine

Pancreatic cancer Signs and symptoms

In addition, dull colored urine increases the secretion of bilirubin in the body, which is one of the obvious signs that the tumor may flourish in the pancreas.

When urine begins to change to a dark color, the chances of a tumor growing in the pancreas are higher in contrast to natural urine secretion. It is important to consult a specialist doctor as soon as possible.

Greasy stools

Pancreatic cancer Signs and symptoms

As it is disgusting and disgusting as it seems, this is one of the obvious indications that there is a tumor in your body, especially in the pancreas.

When the tumor grows to determine where the bile duct is prevented, the bile that is supposed to work on the food and processed in the fatty substances in the body does not reach its intended reaction point, and therefore, the fatty substances and other substances come out in the form of the stool  "raw ".

Pigmented stools

Pancreatic cancer Signs and symptoms

Apart from being greasy, there is another indicator of your nose that you suffer from pancreatic cancer is pigmentation in the stool.

The juicer is blocked and the pancreas is supposed to reach the digestive tract and thus ends up in the stool.

Skin exacerbation

Pancreatic cancer Signs and symptoms

Another symptoms of pancreatic cancer that can save your life before it is too late is skin irritation along with the yellow skin.

If your skin has a yellow color and unprecedented irritation, it's time to visit a specialist.

Irritability can appear on certain points in the body such as a set of protrusions or scattered throughout the body.

Irritability occurs through a number of factors, excessive bilirubin, insufficient digestive excavations in the body and low metabolic rate.

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