Recent study: 15 minutes of jogging every day reduces the risk of depression

Just 15 minutes of jogging every day could reduce the risk of depression (pexels)

A recent study by Massachusetts General Hospital looked at more than 600,000 adults, assessing genetic makeup, medical history and levels of physical activity. Researchers have decided that participants who were more likely to practice genetic work may be less likely to be depressed.

 "Previous studies have shown an association. People who are practicing less depressed,  "said Dr. David Agus on Thursday," CBS this morning. But this study, in a very clever genetic way where they were actually able to use genetics for random people... Causality showed. This practice itself, no matter who you are, can reduce the risk of depression.

The key is to be active every day. "Fifteen minutes of jogging, an hour of gardening. Go out and do something,"said Agus. His rule of thumb? Get your heart rate up 50 percent higher from where it started for that 15 minutes of activity.

 "If the heart rate starts at 60, get it to 90. This is not a crazy amount of exercise that means you don't even need to sweat or get out of breath, just a decisive step, "said Agus.

In 2016, the number of people in the United States was 16.2 million people with at least one major depression, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. 

Agus said he hoped the recent research would affect how doctors treat depression.

"My patients now, when they come in and say, ' I'm starting to feel a little depressed and not doing as much, ' my first thing doesn't prescribe pills, but go out and do something, " said Agus.

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