Huawei Founder : US Cannot Crush US And The World Needs Our Company

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Ren Cheng, founder of the Chinese company  "Huawei " Telecom technology, addressed the United States with a challenging tone against the backdrop of what he said were attempts to rein in Chinese technology, as well as the case concerning his daughter's detention.

"The United States can't crush us," said Cheng, CEO of Huawei since 1988, in an interview with the BBC, adding that the world needs to  "Huawei " because it  "more sophisticated".

"Huawei " is facing a U.S.-led campaign to persuade its allies to close the road to the company's technology of high-speed fifth-generation networks.

As a result, both Australia and New Zealand have imposed restrictions on mobile phone operators from the use of Huawei 5g devices, while the United Kingdom, Germany and other countries are considering whether to tighten the procedures as well.

The US government says that "it is possible to exploit Huawei's products for espionage purposes by the Chinese intelligence," which the company has repeatedly denied. United States prosecutors also charged Huawei and its financial manager Meng Wanho with banking fraud and evasion of penalties, and Meng, one of the daughters of the founder of Huawei, was arrested in Canada in December December and faces the prospect of being extradited to the United States.

For its part, the Chinese government has strongly defended the "Huawei ", asserting that the company is under mounting U.S. pressure, and demanded the immediate release of the financial manager Meng. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said the US government is seeking to "suppress the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises, create lies as well as political interference in economic activities."

The 74-year-old "Ren " was founded by Huawei Company 32 years ago, after serving in the Chinese army as an oil industry engineer, the son of a rural teacher in the mountains of the Chinese province  "Gyzo ", before he today led the technology giant "Huawei " with annual revenues of more than $100 billion.

Source: CNN

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