Can pets spread infection with coronavirus COVID-19 ? WHO Answer


Coronavirus ( COVID-19) is spreading in many countries and health experts expect the virus to spread further over the next few days, especially as there is no cure for the coronavirus ( COVID-19) yet, and there are some concerns about the spread of the virus through pets, after its spread in Wuhan, China To sell wild animals by eating bats, and some other wild animals.

The World Health Organization offers to answer all questions related to the Coronavirus, after it has developed some important new recommendations to prevent HIV infection .. Get to know them ..

Are all people vulnerable to infection with the coronavirus?

All ages are at risk of contracting the new coronavirus "nCoV-2019", the organization explained, that the elderly, and those with chronic special diseases, who have a previous history of patients such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease, are more susceptible to infection with the fierce virus, and the World Health Organization advises people of different Their ages are to take steps to protect themselves from the virus, such as making sure their hands are constantly cleaned and washed with soap and water, or using antiseptics to clean hands.

Is there a treatment that prevents or treats infection with the Coronavirus?

There is no specific treatment approved for the prevention or treatment of the coronavirus, however there are several treatment measures to relieve severe symptoms, and some treatments are still under testing, and will be tried in clinical studies, and the World Health Organization helps support research, and increase efforts to reach a specific treatment.

Can pets get the coronavirus (COVID-19) and transmit infection?

At the present time there is no evidence to confirm the existence of a coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission from pets to humans, such as dogs and cats, yet always work to wash your hands with soap and water after contacting pets, this procedure protects against the virus, and from bacteria such as E.coli, and salmonella, which can To be transferred from animals to humans.

How to protect your pets if you are sick with coronavirus?

If you are sick with COVID-19 coronavirus ( COVID-19) (suspected or confirmed), you should restrict contact with pets and other animals, just as you would with other people. Although there are no reports of pets or other animals being infected with the COVID-19 virus, it is still recommended that people with COVID-19 limit contact with animals until more information about the virus is known. This can help ensure good health for you and your animal.

Ask a family member to take care of your pets during your illness when possible to avoid contact with your pet, including petting, snuggling, kissing, licking and sharing food. If you should take care of your pet or be around animals during your illness, wash your hands before and after interacting with them.

 5 important ways to food hygiene and safety:

1.Keep clean by constantly washing your hands while cooking food.
2. Isolate raw foods from raw foods.
3. Cook food well.
4. Keep food at a safe and healthy temperature.
5. Use clean water to cook fresh food and vegetables.

- World Health Organization
Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19)
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Animals and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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