Coronavirus, California governor issues statewide order to 'stay at home

Move comes after the Los Angeles Mayor asked people to immediately curb all unnecessary moves

California Governor, Gavin Newsom issued On Thursday a statewide order to stay at home for residents tells them not to leave their homes only except when necessary during pandemic Coronavirus. According to "Los Angeles Times"

Earlier, the Los Angeles Mayor had ordered all residents of America's second largest city to stay indoors to immediately eliminate all unnecessary movement in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Mayor Eric Garcetti said at a press conference this afternoon : "we are taking this urgent measure to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and save lives".

Officials hope that telling people to stay home and restrict social interactions slows the spread of the virus and ultimately prevents hospitals from invading patients. The demand for all residents to remain in their homes represents the most powerful escalation of Newsom's response to the virus.

The governor's order comes at a critical time in California, where 19 people have died, and 958 others have proven positive to the disease. Newsome asked California residents to socialize when leaving their homes to shop for groceries, take prescriptions, visit their doctors or perform other "necessary activities".

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