Lindsay Lohan Punched in The Face by A Syrian refugee Woman in The Street

Lindsay Lohan Punched in The Face by A Syrian refugee Woman in The Street

The American actress Lindsay Lohan is currently being severely criticized on Twitter after harassing a homeless family on the street.

Lindsay Lohan posted a bizarre video on Instagram Live on Saturday, showing her filming and trying to help what appeared to be a possibly homeless family of four, who she thinks are Syrian refugees.

Lindsay Lohan claimed that the family was displaced from Syria, according to the video, which she filmed at night.

When she got to the homeless family on the street, she told the boy, "You want to come with me, I'll take care of you, do you want to stay in a hotel tonight?

Lindsay Lohan Punched in The Face by A Syrian refugee Woman in The Street (2)

When the parents refused to show Lindsay Lohan, she became more intense with them. "You are not supposed to have a sleeping child on the ground," she said. "You have to work hard and you must do everything in your power for your children to have a better life," she told the mother.

"If someone offers you a bed and a home for your son, you must give it to me, and it will come back to you."

"I will not leave until I take you with me," Lohan said to the son. "I have now learned who you are, so do not mess with me."

the group then stands up. Lohan asks the boys if they are excited and tells them to put their shoes on, as they are barefoot. The adults start to pack up their few belongings, while the actress tries to persuade them to leave behind an item that is wet and dirty. The group then heads in the opposite direction of her car and Lohan cries out, "Look what's happening. They're trafficking children," adding, "I won't leave until I take you."

Lindsay Lohan Punched in The Face by A Syrian refugee Woman in The Street;

"Now I know who you are. Don't f--k with me. Hey kids!" she continues, following the group. "You're ruining Arab culture by doing this. You're taking these children. They want to go. I'm with you boys, don't worry. The whole world is seeing this right now. I will walk forever."

The family then moved away, followed by Lindsay Lohan on the street, but the situation became more hostile when the mother slapped Lohan in the face to leave them on their way.

Lohan expressed her deep shock at the slapping of the displaced woman and began to cry.

Lindsay Lohan's video with the homeless family was highly popular on the Internet, and most social networking users agreed that Lohan was trying to kidnap the boy from his family.

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