video shows moment landslide at a ceremony near Clemson University, 30 people are injured

video shows moment landslide at a ceremony near Clemson University, 30 people are injured

About 30 people were taken to hospitals after hitting the ground at a grand ceremony at the Woodlandz Club in Clemson, California, about three miles north of the university, authorities said.

Party rangers were sent to the basement as their classmates appeared to be in shock, according to shared footage of social media.

Clemson City police said no one was trapped in the chaos that ensued, and no one was hurt in his life.

A university spokesman told the Independent Post newspaper that the club was hired for a private party by the Klima branch of the Kappa Alpha Psi. The return to school was on Saturday.

"It happened quickly, I stood up, everybody was trying to climb in. People were under other people, people were hurting, people were bleeding, I had blood on my shoes, it was really bad, it was packed, there should not be too many people there."

Common social media snapshots show the horrific effects of the incident, as the crowd gathers near the still-intact sides of the floor, and others who have fallen in the bottom attempt to crawl into the high ground amidst the scream.

Woodlands contains students and non-students. Property manager Tal Sullen told the Associated Press he could not comment on whether the club had maximum capacity.

However, send an email to Woodland residents urging them to stay away from the club and pool area until further notice.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with all of our wounded and we apologize for any inconvenience," he wrote.

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