Hilary Brooke white woman who phoned 911 and blocks black man from entering his apartment in St Louis is - fired from her job

Hilary Brooke white woman who phoned 911 and blocks black man from entering his apartment in St Louis is - Fired After Video

D'Arreion Toles, 24, wanted only to return to the house where he lived. But Hillary Brook is a white woman who tried to stop him from entering because she did not know him next to him as a black man.

who are you ?
Do you live here?

Dârreion "I have already answered this question," continues to say. "Excuse me".

But Hillary, refusing to move while continuing to question Toles about the unity in which he lives. When he refused to tell her, she remained on his way.

"If you want to get into my building -" it occurs in the video.

"It's not your building, you're not the owner pardon," says Tuls.

Toles pushed her and entered the elevator and the woman says "Are you kidding me?" Do you have a key like this? Pointing to her Keys,Toles Do not answer

Hilary Brooke white woman who phoned 911 and blocks black man from entering his apartment in St Louis is - fired from her job

In another video, she follows him in a gallery, saying she wants to present herself because it is happening.

"I do not want to talk to you." "Please stop my follow-up ... I'm going to call the police for harassment, this is my next step."

The last video of Mrs. Mueller appears outside his unit, and Mr. Tollis stands at the entrance. "You followed me all the way to my door," he says. "You see my keys in the door."

"For reference, I just want to say," Hello, what is your name? ", Begins to say before Mr. Tolls interrupts.

"Madam - you just - no, I've been having a good night, Madam." Do not do it again. "

D'Arreion Toles Send the videos to his Facebook page.

When Toles entered his home, Thornton continued to call 911. The St. Louis Police Department confirmed that the officers had responded to the Elder Shirt Loft apartment building in the downtown area on the night concerned. According to NBC St. Louis that no official report was written about the incident.

In an interview on Sunday, Mr. Tolles said he pulled out his phone to record the meeting "because I did not feel safe in the situation."

"In the end, why do you call the police on me?" I just entered and went to my house. "

He said he was concerned that the situation would end up in Dallas last month when a black man was killed in his apartment after a white police officer went out of service, thinking it was unity.

"He hit me again, thinking about everything," he said of his meeting. "It's very sad."

He felt he was not in America

The company issued a statement saying it was a minority-owned company.

the woman has been fired from her job. Toles has said he does not wish to press charges against her.

Brandon Muller, Mrs. Mueller's distant husband published a video On Facebook, said, that he was shocked when he learned of the meeting after receiving messages and notices on Facebook.


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