Best 5 Countries To Start a Successful Career In 2019

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New World rankings reveal the best countries to start a successful career in 2019 ,Qatar was at the forefront of the list, and Russia ranked fourth in the world.

The classification was based on a survey conducted by 7,000 people across the world from business professionals. The survey was based on criteria relating to the attractiveness of the labour market, economic stability, entrepreneurship, innovation and income equity.

According to the survey, Qatar has filed seven centers in the current year, after last year it ranked eighth in the ranking, while Russia and the UAE in 2019 maintained the same order of 2018.

Below is a table showing the ranking of the top 5 countries to start a successful career as per the published "Usnews" American website

Best -5-countries-to-start-successful-Career-In-2019

Source: "UsNews"

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