Saudi operative seen in Khashoggi's clothes after he was killed

Saudi operative seen in Khashoggi's clothes after he was killed

ANKARA: One person from the 15-member team suspected to be behind the death of Jamal Khashoggi dressed up in his clothes and was captured on surveillance cameras around Istanbul on the day the journalist was killed, CNN reported on Monday citing a senior Turkish official. 

The TV channel said it obtained exclusive law enforcement surveillance footage, part of the Turkish government's investigation, that appeared to show the man leaving the Saudi consulate by the back door, wearing Khasho .. 

Later, a Saudi source close to the royal palace told CNN that the Washington Post journalist died in a chokehold 

On Sunday, Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir described Khashoggi's death on Fox News as a "murder" and a "tremendous mistake". 

According to the Turkish official, Madani, 57, of similar height, age and build to Khashoggi, 59, was used as a decoy for the journalist. 

Another senior Turkish official told CNN that the video showed that Madani was brought to Istanbul to act as a body double. 

US President Donald Trump said there had been "deception" and "lies" in Saudi Arabia's explanation, having previously said he found their narrative to be "credible". 

The UK, France and Germany issued a joint statement expressing shock at the death and demanding a full .

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