At least 8 people were killed after a gunman opened fire on a temple on a tree in Pittsburgh

At least eight people were killed after a gunman opened fire on a temple on a tree in Pittsburgh. According to the report, the gunman shouted, "All these Jews need to die."

The gunman was initially identified as Robert Bauer, 46. 46-year-old The shooting reportedly occurred during a circumcision ceremony and more than 12 people were shot. 80 people were in Sbogague during the shooting. Bauer also shot three police officers.

President Trump condemned the attack, which he publicly denounced as "watching the unfolding events in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania." Law enforcement at the scene: People in the Scril Hill area must remain protected, and many of the dead appear to beware of the active shooter. Bless everyone! "

He said in another tweet "Events in Pittsburgh are far more devastating than originally thought. Spoke with Mayor and Governor to inform them that the Federal Government has been, and will be, with them all the way. I will speak to the media shortly and make further statement at Future Farmers of America".

"The State of Israel and the Israeli government have received shock and pain at reports of the terrible attack on the Jewish community in Pittsburgh," Minister of Diaspora Affairs Naftali Bennett condemned Saturday's horrific shooting. "We are following the reports with difficulty and praying for it to end soon."

"At the same time, I have instructed the Ministry of Expatriate Affairs to prepare to help the community in all possible ways, our hearts with the families of the dead and wounded.

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