Robert Bowers : the man responsible for shooting at Pittsburgh - Fast Facts You Need to Know

Robert Bowers : the man responsible for shooting at Pittsburgh - Fast Facts You Need to Know

Up to 12 people were shot, including four police officers. The Associated Press reported that the shooting occurred during a wedding, a ceremony to name the child. Later the Associated Press reported that a total of 10 people were killed at the scene. CBS reports Pittsburgh as of 3:17 pm. On 27 October, 11 people were killed.

Others said the shooting took place during Sabbath services at the conservative synagogue. According to the NBC news network, 12 out of 12 people died, but police did not confirm the death toll. Police casualties do not threaten their lives. WPXI later reported that one of the officers underwent surgery and is in critical condition.

An hour before the shooting, Bowers wrote on the social networking site, he missed, "HIAS loves bringing the invaders into killing our people." I can not sit down and watch my people being slaughtered.I screw your optics.I go. "HIAS is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, A group helping refugees.

Here's what you need to know about the suspect :

Robert Bowers was armed with an AR-15 rifle

Tom Winter of NBC News reports that Bowers was armed with an AR-15 rifle, as well as several pistols. KDKA has described Bowers as "a heavy white man with a beard." When Bowers came out of a confrontation with the police, he was crawling because of the wounds. The station also said Bowers allegedly opened fire on the responding officers.

Michael Eisenberg, former president of the synagogue, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that the shooting took place on the third floor of the building. Eisenberg said there would normally be a children's section on that floor, but it was canceled on the day of the attack.

Bowers Said on Gab that he did not vote for Donald Trump because Trump allowed the Jewish people in his administration and among his supporters

Robert Bowers the man responsible for shooting at Pittsburgh - Fast Facts You Need to Know

Powers was an active sticker on the "alt-right" version of Twitter, Gab. Bowers went by the title of one Dingo on the site. In his vital section, Powers wrote, "The Jews are the sons of Satan." (John 8:44) - - Lord Jesus Christ comes in the flesh. "Shortly after the tree fire on the Community Tree, the Bowers account was deleted.

Robert Bowers the man responsible for shooting at Pittsburgh - Fast Facts You Need to Know

In an article a few days before the shooting, Powers wrote: "Trump is a globalization, not a national ... There is no #MAGA as long as there is an invasion of. #Qanon here to get the patriots who were against the martial law in '90 to be begging "On the same day, Powers wrote," an astonishing amount of division on gab today. "In another letter, Powers wrote about Trump," For the record, I did not vote I did not own it or wear it or even touch it in the form of a maga. "

Robert Bowers:the man responsible for shooting at Pittsburgh - Fast Facts You Need to Know
Robert Bowers:the man responsible for shooting at Pittsburgh - Fast Facts You Need to Know

On his page in Gap, Powers regularly sent anti-immigrant sentiments as well as memes calling for Holocaust denial.

A Witness Description of the shooting as "Loud Crash"

Stephen Weiss, a resident of Squirrel Hill who was present in the synagogue, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that the shooting "sounded like a noisy accident in the corridor." Weiss said he was running around the building to hear what sounded like an "automatic weapon." Join a shelter group in a basement location.

There were three pools in the synagogue, and the basement was where the New Life Pool service was on Saturday, reports KDKA.

A former head of the synagogue said that the Homeland Security Department had conducted safety training in the Tree of Life

Former head of the synagogue, Michael Eisenberg, said that while he was president, the Internal Security Department had come to the Tree of Life. Eisenberg told the Post Gazette that the agency was running safety training. "We had to raise the level of security, although there were no threats," Eisenberg said, adding: "The building is not as designed for today as it is for security purposes."

According to the synagogue's website, morning morning services were running inside when there were reports of gunfire. The website says the group was founded "more than 150 years ago," a conservative Jewish group, but also "progressive and relevant to the way we live today." The rabbi is Rabbi Hazan Jeffrey Myers, who has been working with since August 2017. Cox Media Group’s Dorey Scheimer tweeted about the congregation, “I am so sick. Squirrel Hill is the Jewish neighborhood in Pittsburgh. Tree of Life is the largest conservative synagogue. Saturday morning is the busiest/most attended service.”

The Chief of the Anti-Narcotics Police described the victims of the shooting as "targeted"

The Chief Executive of the Anti-Defamation League paid tribute to the victims of the shooting. Jonathan Greenblatt wrote that victims of the attack were "targeted" because of their religion. "We are destroyed, the Jews targeted on Saturday morning in the synagogue, a sacred place of worship, is unreasonable, our hearts open to the victims, their families and the entire Jewish community," Greenblatt says. "We are actively involved in law enforcement to understand the extent of this anti-Semitic attack and we will work with communities across the country to push back on bias wherever it appears."

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf described the shooting as "an absolute tragedy." "We must all pray and hope that no more lives will be lost, but we have been saying" that number is too many "for too long," Goff said.

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