Trump Mocks Christine Blasey Ford At in Mississippi Rally "They destroy people, these are really evil."

Trump Mocks Christine Blasey Ford At in Mississippi Rally - "They destroy people, these are really evil."

At a campaign rally in Mississippi on Tuesday, President Donald Trump repeatedly ridiculed Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were both teenagers.

President Donald Trump ridiculed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who testified at a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, which accuses Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting him when they were teenagers. .

As hundreds of supporters chanted, Trump gave Ford a rough imitation of her testimony, clearly describing a violent sexual assault he allegedly committed against her in the early 1980s, while acknowledging that certain details of time and space had been lost. Of her memory.

The Republican senator early on Wednesday described Jeff Flick, a key member of the Senate judiciary committee that held the hearing, called Trump's remarks "kind of appalling."

Trump was charged with sexual misconduct by at least 20 women and denied the allegations.

But last week he described Ford as a "very reliable witness" and said: "I thought her testimony was very convincing and she looked like a very wonderful woman to me, a very fine woman."

At his rally, the president mock Ford's testimony with a question-and-answer patter that greeted cheers from the crowd in Southaven, Mississippi.

"How did you get home?" Trump said, echoing a question posed by the committee to Ford. "I do not remember," the president said.

"How do we get there?" I do not remember. Where's the place? "I do n't remember." A few years ago? "I do not know." What is the neighborhood? "I do not know." where is the house? 'I do not know.'"

Trump concluded the footnote by deploring the personal cost of Kavanaugh of Ford's allegations and explaining that Ford was part of a partisan plot. Trump said: "They destroy people, these are really evil."

On Tuesday night after these remarks, Michael Bromwich, a member of Ford's legal team, condemned the "senseless, vicious attack".

He wrote on Twitter, about Ford, and Trump: "Is it any wonder that you are terrified of progress, and that survivors of other sexual assaults as well?

The Senate has postponed a final confirmation vote on Kavanaugh’s appointment while the FBI investigates multiple allegations of misconduct against him. Kavanaugh has denied all allegations.

On Sunday, the FBI interviewed Deborah Ramirez, who alleges that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her while they were classmates at Yale University, the Associated Press reported. Ford says she has not been contacted by the FBI probe.

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