stampede in italy: More than 120 people were killed and injured in a nightclub

italy stampede: More than 120 people were killed and injured in a nightclub
 Vigili del Fuoco / Twitter ©

Six people were killed and more than 120 others injured by a nightclub crowd in Ancona, northern Italy, after a man sprayed pepper spray, causing panic among the revelers.

The incident occurred at around 1 am in the Lanterna Azura Popular Club in the town of Corinaldo in eastern Ancona province.

Local media reported that 10 people were in a critical condition, and that the injuries were mainly caused by a stampede at a ceremony by the famous Italian rapper Sfera Ebbasta, who has attracted about 1,000 lovers of his art.

According to eyewitnesses, the stampede occurred after one of them sprayed pepper spray, which caused panic and caused suffocation dozens.

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